Do or Do Not...There is No Try.
Happy New Year!! By now, I suspect that you have all enjoyed well-deserved time off with family, friends, traditions, and good food.
All jokes aside, this is the beginning of a new year. A new calendar year for all of us and a new fiscal year for many. Traditionally, people state their New Year's resolutions - promised to themselves to improve in some way over last year. Unfortunately, most of those fizzle after only a short time. Why? Lack of commitment in most cases. Lack of an understanding of how to make a change in others.
Businesses are no different. Most of you either have already, or are in the process of (too late!), making a business plan for 2025 - full of goals, targets, and KPI's. However, from my experience, many of these also fizzle very quickly, and for the same reason as personal goals fail. Lack of a true commitment to change and improve or not understanding how to do that.
The daily routine easily takes over - "we have to get the orders out", "the big trade show is next week", "budgets are due", "we've had xx resignations in the past week" - all of these things are normal, but without structure and a strong commitment to improvement, they will dominate and your 2025 goals - and successes - will suffer.
That's where an independent consultant, like The Method Solutions, can bring great value. We can not only help you develop challenging, but achievable goals and plans, but we can be the 'bad cop' and stay on top of those responsible for driving true change and improvement throughout the year.
What is that worth to you? To have a partner - an integrator - who can not only help translate your vision for the rest of the team, but also periodically check the results and drive course correction where needed - all without the distractions listed above. This is PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) in action. It works!
Most of you are using the PDDDD...method Plan-Do-Do-Do-Do. Expecting different results with the same inputs. You will be disappointed. Stop the madness. Ask for help. Make 2025 a record year for you and your company.
Call The Method Solutions today!